We are seeking applications from candidates to develop a programme of work in the area of complex systems within the THINKlab and the newly formed Research Centre for Resilient and Smart Cities, in the School of Science, Engineering and Environment at the University of Salford. You will be expected to conduct ‘frontier’ research to understand the complex interactions between social, economic, physical and natural sub-systems to create future cities which are resilient. The complexity modelling framework that will result from your research programme should offer an innovative knowledge platform for policymakers to explore “what-if” scenarios and select urban policies that lead to sustainable and resilient cities.
We will support you throughout the Fellowship with dedicated mentoring, a peer network and a bespoke development programme to provide you with the skills for research and teaching leadership excellence. You will be awarded a start-up grant of £30K to establish your research.
Please visit the website for details. This fellowship is available as a part of our research expansion strategy.
Contact: Prof. Terrence Fernando (t.fernando@salford.ac.uk) for further information about this fellowship.