The THINKlab is designed as a Future Centre, so it can help organisations build confidence and to innovate. In partnership with Velresco our innovative facilitations techniques, brain storming technology and multi-sensory space, THINKlab provides a highly creative environment for participants to envision future possibilities and develop practical innovation.
We provide the following services:
Space to Think
Innovative spaces and technologies providing your organisation with ‘Space to Think’ outside of the confines of your normal working environment, escaping the tunnel vision and allowing you to see opportunities and develop future strategies. Find out about the THINKlab facilities
Facilitation Services
Our experienced facilitators will work with you to design and deliver an interactive workshop guiding your organisation through the innovation process, extracting solutions to your problems and developing future plans.
Our facilitation services are strengthened by our specialist collaboration software supporting knowledge transfer and encouraging debate and discussion.
THINKlab delivers a variety of workshops available to individuals and groups which can be tailored to suit specific issues/challenges within an organisation.