RenoZEB. Optimising energy renovation solutions for near Zero Energy Buildings.
The problem
The 2012 Energy Efficiency Directive established a set of binding measures to help the EU reach its energy and climate goals.
To achieve these goals existing residential buildings need deep renovations to become nearly Zero Energy Buildings.
This type of renovation is a huge challenge for the construction industry. Even though the technology to cost-effectively build new Zero Energy buildings exists, the ability to apply the same principles in existing building stock can differ hugely from one building to another.
Building owners and tenants require a solution that enables them to meet the net-zero energy standards at an affordable price while maximizing the uplift in value of the building once the retrofit is complete.
The RenoZEB project aims to create a sizeable near Zero Energy Buildings renovation market in Europe by developing a new systemic approach to deep renovation. This will allow construction companies to offer their clients the maximum gain on property value while meeting the net-zero energy standards.
Our Solution
THINKlab led the work to develop the RenoZEB value-based concept including a set of new approaches and procedures for deep retrofitting.
Designed to construct a holistic methodology across the Plan, Design, Construction and Management phases of a retrofit, it supported the planning and design of alternative solutions and enabled the selection of the best alternative based on property value and optimum energy performance.