Susantha Jayasinghe
Mr. Susantha Jayasinghe has 16 years working experience in meteorology, climatology, applied geoinformation and ICT. His professional background is mainly comprised with meteorological and climatological modeling, forecasting and early warning systems including data processing, numerical weather prediction, post processing, analysis and visualization, access of data from various sources, hardware and software configuration and installation, implementation of forecasting and early warning systems in National Meteorological and Hydrological Services. And also he has experience in implementation of projects on extreme event modeling, risk assessments, knowledge portal development, tools development for geospatial data sharing, design and implementation of ICT and computing infrastructure for processing, monitoring and exchange of meteorological and hydrological data and scientific modeling and analysis for weather forecasting and early warning systems. Additionally, he has involved in areas of climate risk management and climate change adaptation. He has work experience in South Asia and South East Asia including Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Indonesia as well as Kyrgyzstan, Norway, Italy and USA.
Research interests
- Meteorology and Climatology
- Numerical Weather Prediction and Climate Modeling
- Hazard and risk assessment
- GIS and remote sensing in disaster risk management
- Disaster information systems
From 2018 to date: Technical Specialist, Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC), Thailand
From 2015 to 2017: Climate Data Analyst/Project Officer, Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC), Thailand
From: 2010 – 2015 Climate Data Analyst/Senior Project Coordinator, Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC), Thailand
From: 2005 – 2010: Research Assistant, Department of Meteorology, Sri Lanka
2009: MSc in GIS and Remote Sensing, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
2003: BSc in Physical Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Training, workshops, conferences
- American Geo-Physical Union (AGU) – 2017, 2018
- International Conference on Science and Technology for Water Security, Disaster Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation, Hanoi, Vietnam – 2019
- Regional Knowledge Forum on Droughts, Kathmandu, Nepal – 2018
- The Early Adopter Training Workshop on the Surface Water Ocean Topography Satellite Mission (SWOT). Paris, France (2019)
- Training on Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry for Ground Motion Detection and Monitoring held in Hanoi, Vietnam from September, Hanoi, Vietnam (2019)
- Training on Air Quality Monitoring using Space-born Sensors, Bangkok, Thailand (2019)
- Training on Quality Index-Based Insurance for Drought, Nairobi, Kenya (2019)
- Training on SAR Data Processing for Water Detection, Bangkok, Thailand (2019)
- Training on Rice Application on DSSAT, Bangkok, Thailand (2018)
- Training on VIC/SWAT hydrological modeling in University of Washington, Seattle, USA (2018)
- Training on Satellite altimetry for water level forecasting, Ground water modeling, Land subsidence in University of Houston, Texas (2018)
- Training on WRF Modeling for Thunderstorm Forecasting, NASA MFSC, Huntsville, USA (2017)
- Course on Project Management, Bangkok, Thailand (2017)
- Climate Data Analysis for Drought Monitoring in Asia, Kathmandu, Nepal (2016)
- Training on Google Earth Engine (GEE), Bangkok-Thailand (2016)
- Training on R/R-Climdex, Oslo, Norway (2016)
- Training on Landsat Data Handling and Land Cover Classification, Bangkok, Thailand (2015)
- Training of workshop on Seasonal Weather Forecasting (Statistical downscaling (CPT), RClimdex, R) at International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste in Italy (2010)
- Training of workshop on Seasonal Weather Forecasting (Statistical downscaling (CPT and CLICK)), Dhaka, Bangladesh (2012)
- Training on GIS and Remote Sensing, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka (2010)
- Series of training workshops on the Theory and Use of Regional Weather and Climate Models (WRF, PRECIS, RegCM4) {Dynamical downscaling}, Bangkok-Thailand (2011), Hanoi-Vietnam (2012), Delhi-India (2012)
- Series of training workshops on Storm Surge modeling, Bangkok-Thailand (2011 and 2013)
- Training workshop on Hydrological Modeling, Bangkok-Thailand (2012)
- Training workshop on Meteorological Database Management, Yangon-Myanmar (2013)
- Training workshop on Agro-climate modeling (DSSAT, CROPWAT, FIRST), University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka (2013)
- Training course on content management system (CMS) for publishing content on the World Wide Web, Colombo-Sri Lanka (2010)
- Disaster Risk Assessment and Management for the Coastal Zone of Sri Lanka – Kandy, Sri Lanka (2009)
- JICA – Net Videoconferencing Seminar on Remote Sensing and GIS – Colombo, Sri Lanka (2009)
- GIS Training Programme conducted by EMSO, Colombo-Sri Lanka (2009)
- Series of Seminar of APN CAPaBLE Project “Climate Change Public Awareness and Outreach in Sri Lanka” Sri Lanka (2006-2007)
Peer Reviewed:
- Susantha Jayasinghe, Senaka Basnayake, and Niladri Gupta. Lessons learnt from implementing training on Ecosystems Resilience in a Changing Climate for sectoral development in South and Southeast Asia. 2020. APN Science Bulletin 10 (1),,
- “ST-CORAbico: A spatiotemporal object-based model to bias correct near real time satellite precipitation for storm prediction”. M. Laverde-Barajas1, G. A. Corzo Perez, A. Poortinga, F. Chishtie, C. Meechaiya, S. Jayasinghe, P. Towashiraporn, A. Markert, L. H. Son, K. Sothea, S. Boonya-Aroonnet, W. Chaowiwat, R. U. Uijlenhoet, D. P. Solomatine. J. Appl. Remote Sens. (under review, May 2020)
- “Hindcast and forecast of daily inundation extents using satellite SAR and altimetry data with rotated empirical orthogonal function analysis: Case study in Tonle Sap Lake Floodplain”. Chi-Hung Changa, Hyongki Leea, Donghwan Kima, Euiho Hwang, Faisal Hossain, Farrukh Chishtie, Susantha Jayasinghe, Senaka Basnayake. Remote Sensing of Environment 241 (2020) 111732.
- “The Early Adopter Program for the Surface Water Ocean Topography Satellite Mission”. Faisal Hossain, Matt Bonnema, Margaret Srinivasan, Ed Beighley, Alice Andral, Bradley Doorn, Indu Jayaluxmi, Susantha Jayasinghe, Yasir Kaheil, Bareerah Fatima, Nicholas Elmer, Luciana Fenoglio, Jerad Bales, Fabien Lefevre, Sébastien Legrand, Damien Brunel, and Pierre-Yves Le Traon. American Meteorological Society. Jul 2019.
- “Daily River Discharge Estimation Using Multi-Mission Radar Altimetry Data and Ensemble Learning Regression in Lower Mekong River Basin”. Donghwan Kim, Hyongki Lee, Chi-Hung Chang, Duong Du Bui, Susantha Jayasinghe, Senaka Basnayake, Farrukh Chishtie. Remote Sensing SI: “Remote Sensing of Large Rivers”. 2019 (accepted to published)
- “Weathering Trust”. Muhammad Habibur Rahman, Grace Lee Hooi Yean, Nourin Shabnam, Susantha Jayasinghe. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 2019 (under review)
- “Integrating Spatial Data Infrastructure in Monitoring Climate Change Impacts: A Research Oriented Approach”. R. Dutta, Susantha Jayasinghe. Peer Reviewed Paper-Workshop Proceedings, International Workshop on the Role of Land Professionals and SDI in DRR in the Context of Post 2015 Nepal Earthquake, 2015.
- “A model-aided satellite-altimetry-based flood forecasting system for the Mekong River”. Chi-Hung Changa, Hyongki Lee, Faisal Hossain, Senaka Basnayake, Susantha Jayasinghe, Farrukh Chishtie, David Saah, Hanwen Yu, Khem Sothea. ELSEVIER Environmental Modelling and Software. 2018
- “Cost-effective monitoring of land subsidence in developing countries using semi-permanent GPS stations: a test study over Houston, Texas”. Donghwan Kim, Hyongki Lee, Modurodoluwa A. Okeowo, Senaka Basnayake, Susantha Jayasinghe. J. Appl. Remote Sens. 11(2), 026033 (2017), doi: 10.1117/1.JRS.11.026033.
- “Enhancing Drought Resilience and Crop Yield Security in Vietnam”. Susantha Jayasinghe, Farrukh Chishtie, Nguyen Hanh Quyen, Biplov Bhandari, Kostas Andreadis, Narendra Das, Amor Ines, Kel Markert, Peeranan Towashiraporn, Eric Anderson. Abstract, AGU Falls Meeting, 2018.
- “Application of Regional Drought and Crop Yield Information System to enhance drought monitoring and forecasting in Ninh Thuan Province in Vietnam”. Susantha Jayasinghe, Farrukh Chishtie, Nguyen Hanh Quyen, Biplov Bhandari, Kostas Andreadis, Narendra Das, Amor Ines, Kel Markert, Peeranan Towashiraporn, Eric Anderson. Abstract, AGU Falls Meeting, 2018.
- “Application of Regional Drought and Crop Yield Information System for Lower Mekong region to enhance the drought monitoring and forecasting”. Susantha Jayasinghe, Farrukh Chishtie, Rishiraj Dutta, Biplov Bhandari, Kostas Andreadis, Narendra Das, Amor Ines, Kel Markert, Peeranan Towashiraporn, Eric Anderson. Abstract, AGU Falls Meeting, 2017.
- “Multi-objective calibration of a hydrological model using satellite-based data for poorly gauged Mekong river basin”. Tien Le Thuy Du, Hyongki Lee, Duong Du Bui, Isberg Kristina, Susantha Jayasinghe, Senaka Basnayake, Farrukh Chistie. Abstract, AGU Falls Meeting, 2017.
- “Application of Virtual Rain and Stream Gauge Information Service for improved flood early warning system in Lower Mekong countries”. Senaka Basnayake, Susantha Jayasinghe, Chinaporn Meechaiya, Kel Markert, Hyongki Lee, Peeranan Towashiraporn, Eric Anderson, Modurodoluwa Okeowo. Abstract, AGU Falls Meeting, 2017.
- “New GRACE-Derived Storage Change Estimates Using Empirical Mode Extraction”. Abureli Aierken1, Hyongki Lee1, Hanwen Yu1, Ate Poortinga, Faisal Hossain, Senaka Basnayake, Susantha Jayasinghe, David Saah, C.K. Shum. Abstract, AGU Falls Meeting, 2017.
Major projects
Project: SERVIR-Mekong
Year: September 2014 to September 2022
Location: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam
Client: USAID
Main project features: Geospatial data for development program designed to respond to such needs of the Lower Mekong countries
Project: TA-9191 REG: Building Climate Change Resilience in Asia’s Critical Infrastructure (49158-001)
Year: August 2017 – June 2019
Client: Asian Development Bank
Main project features: Build capacity of Asian countries to take climate change adaptation measures in critical infrastructure facilities such as water, energy and road through enhanced knowledge base on climate change risks in countries.
Project: Multi Hazard Risk Assessment in the Rakhine State, Myanmar
Year: July 2011 to October 2011
Location: Rakhine State, Myanmar
Client: United Nation Development Program (UNDP), Myanmar.
Main project features: Multi Hazard Risk Assessment at the State Level
Project: Comprehensive Multi Hazard Risk Assessment and Mapping in Sindh Province, Pakistan
Year: 2013
Location: Pakistan
Client: UNDP Pakistan
Main project features: Development of a comprehensive national hazard profile including major hazard-prone areas and a set of major hazard intensity maps.
Project: Technical Support to Myanmar for Strengthening of Human Resources and Institutional Capacity to Deal with the Treat from Natural Disasters
Year: 2012 – 2014
Location: Myanmar
Client: MoFA- Royal Norwegian Government
Project: Technical support to Myanmar, Bangladesh and Vietnam for strengthening of human resources and institutional capacity to deal with the threat from natural disasters
Location: Myanmar
Year: 2015 – 2017
Client: Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Norway
Project: Climate Data Digitization and Downscaling of Climate Change Projections in Nepal
Year: Jan – Dec 2011
Location: Nepal
Client: Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Project: Dynamical Downscaling and Capacity Building of National Focal Points for Effective Dissemination of Natural Hazard Early Warning in Bangladesh, China and Vietnam
Year: 2009 – 2011
Location: Bangladesh, China & Vietnam
Client: MoFA- Royal Norwegian Government
Project: Climate Impact Reduction and Resilience in Support of the Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN)
Year: Dec 2010 – Dec 2011
Location: Asia and the Pacific countries
Client: Rockefeller Foundation
Project: Technical assistance to Vietnam for strengthening national capacities to deal with weather related natural disasters
Year: June 2012 – Dec 2014
Location: Vietnam
Client: Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Norway
Project: Program for Improved Disaster Management and Resilience against Natural Disasters in Rakhine State, Chin State and Sagaing Region of Burma/Myanmar
Duration: 2014-2019
Client: International Organization for Migration, Myanmar
Project: Developing a regional drought risk management program in Greater Mekong Sub-Region (Laos PDR, Cambodia and Myanmar)
Duration: Jan-Dec 2019
Client: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Project: Nepal-India Transboundary Resilience project to connect upstream and downstream communities to reduce flood disaster risks
Duration: 2017-2018
Client: Global Resilience Partnership / Lutheran World Relief (LWR)
Project: Developing Climate Inclusive Potential Loss and Damage Assessment Methodology for Flood Hazards
Year: June 2016 – Dec 2019
Location: Nepal, Thailand, Sri Lanka
Client: Asia Pacific Network (APN)